Today is like a bad day to some Whastsapp users. If you are still unaware about it then do know that Whatsapp has already placed temporary ban on the Whatsapp plus users. Whatsapp plus which is a third party app that resembles in many features compared to whatsapp having a pretty good design and different themes. As they were still running it on the Whastapp plus servers its easy for them to figure it out who’s using whatsapp plus. You should know that using whatsapp plus is against the terms and conditions of the Whatsapp messenger. That’s why it deicded to temporarily ban users using Whatsapp messenger services.
Even the act of unistalling the Whatsapp plus app and installing the Whatsapp didn’t lift the 24hrs ban reports the banned users. Though lucky enough the ban is not forever.
Again whatsapp is a corporate and giant company suppose to do something! By not allowing unauthorised software to access their servers.
Our take
ICTmagazine here sympathise with all the affected end users. Although some users are really eager to test every software that comes through their way, without confirming its authenticity, this is really a bad pdactice especially to those that security and privacy matters to them. ICTmagazine usez this medium to advice users to stop randomly instzlling every flashy app they come across! This time is a temporal ban not sure if the next time mighty permanent. Again apart from the ban, the software or app might be malicious, which can steal users sensitive informatikn including bank records and other confidential data! Be warned!
Source: Technotification
Even the act of unistalling the Whatsapp plus app and installing the Whatsapp didn’t lift the 24hrs ban reports the banned users. Though lucky enough the ban is not forever.
Again whatsapp is a corporate and giant company suppose to do something! By not allowing unauthorised software to access their servers.
Our take
ICTmagazine here sympathise with all the affected end users. Although some users are really eager to test every software that comes through their way, without confirming its authenticity, this is really a bad pdactice especially to those that security and privacy matters to them. ICTmagazine usez this medium to advice users to stop randomly instzlling every flashy app they come across! This time is a temporal ban not sure if the next time mighty permanent. Again apart from the ban, the software or app might be malicious, which can steal users sensitive informatikn including bank records and other confidential data! Be warned!
Source: Technotification
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