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Ethical hacking simplified. cryptographic hashing.

Cryptoghraphy Hashing

Hashing is the process of converting plaintext into chipertext. One of the advantage of  hashing is, its  almost impossible to alter. Even if the intruder succeeded in altering the data the receiver will definitely know on receiving the message. Hashing can be seen as a one way encryption process. Its main aim is to confirm the authenticity of data.

Hashing output is known as hash, hash value or message digest.

How it work

When you are sending the message, you will create an encryption with your private key using a particular type of hashing which we will talk about shortly. It will then create gabbled messages which is fixed length and exactly the length of the message. Bundles the chipertext with the plaintext together which are both encrypted. Upon arriving the destination, the receiver will get the public key of the sender and decrypt the message. Mind you hashing is here to confirm the authenticity of the message. After confirming the sender by using his public key to decrypt the message. The receiver will try to compare the received hash, by re-encrypting the received plaintext and compare the hashing, if they are the same, the data is intact, if otherwise, the data has been compromised or altered. The least alteration changes the hashing encryption.

Types of Hashing

MD2 (message digest):- This is a one way or linear hash function. This technology is used in PEM(privacy-enhanced mail).

MD4 (message digest):- This is the same with its predecessor but its used in PGD and other functions. Although this technology is presently replaced by MD5.

MD5(message digest):- This is an updated and improved version of MD4, this technology brags of 128bits hashing wow. This hashing was very popular, but even with its 128bits hashing it comes with vulnerabilities. Those vulnerabilities makes it to be replaced with SHA2.

MD6 (message digest):- This is a technology designed by Ron Rivest. This technology uses the merkle-tree like structure to come up with a strong computations of hashes. The authors of this system claims a 28 cycles per byte! On intel core 2 duo processor.

HAVAL :- This technology is variable length one way hashing and an upgrade to MD5. Unlike MD series, this hashing technology can produce different types of hashing! From 128, 160, 192, 224 & 256bits. This technology is also known as fingerprint.

Tiger:- This hashing technology is optimized for 64bits system, though it can work on other systems too.

RIPE-MD:- This is the most commonly used hashing in European countries.

SHA-0 (secure hash algorithm):- This is the first born in the SHA hashing algorithm family. It is since replaced with his junior brother by name SHA-1. This technology produces 160bits of hashes chiper. This technology family was first publihsed in 1993.

SHA-1 (secure hashing algorithm):- After overthrowing his senior brother, he became very popular but didn't last on the throne. Published in 1995 to correct certain errors and vulnerability found in it predecessor.

SHA-2 (secure hashing algorithm):- This is their last born and an upgrade of the former king SHA-1, not the sha of iran! Laghing.... Published in 2001. so far non successful attack has been recorded on the SHA-2 hashing system. Wow! Bravo!

SHA-3 (secure hashing algorithm):- This was published in 2012. This technology is not meant to replace its senior brother, rather serves as an upgrade which makes it stronger more reliable and robust.


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