Network addressing
Network addressing
must keep record of all its routing protocols differently in its
routing table. Every routing protocol keep track of a network with
different addressing scheme(IP,IPX and IPv6). For
example when sending letter to humans of different languages, the
letter has to read the language of the destined person, so that the
message would serve its purpose.
Interface: This is the exit
interface of the network on the router, to reach to the destined
network. It can again be referred to the interface on the router,
which packet took to reach to its destination.
This refers to the distance between to transmission network and the
destined network. This
distance is measured using hop(number of routers packet passed before
reaching to the destined network) count.
Router is the device that
works in this layer. An article will be published about the
networking devices. Stay turned!
Data Link Layer
This layer is in-charge of
delivering data to destined host on the network. When data reached
the router on the network. Router doesn't care about the host, all it
care about is the destined network. If it send forward the packet the
exit interface, the router is through with its work. Upon arriving
into the destined network, something must carry on from where the
routing stopped. That device is known as switch. As I already
mentioned that router deals with IP address (which is a 32bits
logical address), the switch deals with MAC also known as hardware
address. This is a 48bits address. MAC address is a static
address, which is assigned by the manufacturer of the NIC(network
interface card). NIC is the card (hardware) on any device that give
it the privilege to join the network. Without NIC there is noway one
can join football match without legs! Legs are the interface in which
humans used to physically control the ball. That's the same with NIC
on the network, although NIC doesn't control the network, but without
NIC no device can be present on the network. When data is sent over a
network, it is encapsulated. So when the router receive the packet,
it strip it and check for the destination IP address. When its not in
its own network, it re-encapsulate it and forward it to the next hop
(router that is more closer to the destined network). One thing you
have to know is the main data will never be accessed until it reached
is destination.
IEEE (institute of electric
and electronic engineers) data link layer has two sub-layers.
MAC(media access control)
802.3: This deals with how packets are been placed on the media.
Accessing the media in this sub-layer is based on first come, first
serve. The packets here share the same bandwidth. The name physical
addressing is defined here, as well as logical topologies.
LLC(logical control unit)
802.2: This is responsible for identifying network layer protocols
and then encapsulate them back. This sub-layer tell the data link
layer what to do with a packet once the frame is received. When the
host receive the frame, it looks into the LLC header to get where the
packet is destined, through the IP addressing. This sub-layer again
provides flow control and sequencing of control bits.
The devices here are switches
and bridges. An article will be published about the networking
devices. Stay turned!
Physical layer
Physical layer primary
assignment is to send and receive bits. Bits(binary digits) is a base
two numeric numbers which only contains 1 and 0. 1 and 0 is the only
thing the computer or any other smart devices understand.
The physical layer
communicate directly with the communication media (fiber optic,
cables and wireless signals). Fiber optic uses light impulses, cable
uses electric signals and wireless signals uses the audio or radio
frequencies to send and receive data. Different technologies are used
to encode and decode different communication medium.
This layer specifies the
electrical, mechanical, procedural and functional requirements for
enabling, maintaining and disabling communication between end
devices. DTE(data terminal equipment) and DCE (data communication
equipment) identification is done within the physical layer. The DCE
is located at the service provider while the DTE is located at the
end-user or the attached device. Again DCE can be describe as the
serving device while the DTE is at the client end. DTE converts user
data into signals, light impulses or frequency so as to be
transmitted. DCE converts data signals, frequency and light impulses
at the ISP (internet service provider) end.
The devices here are the Hub
and the repeater. An article will be published about the
networking devices. Stay turned!
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