Pretty good Privacy PGP
This type of cryptographic Application uses Public key encryption system and is one of the most popular means of encryption in the world. It is used in securing data, data storage, email, Instant Messaging (instant messaging are messaging system that happens in real time, just like whatsApp, Facebook messenger etc.) and other forms of communication.
The early version of this cryptographic application was written by Philip Zimmerman and has it public appearance in 1991. it is part of an open-source project with many version where user can choose the best that suit them.
This cryptographic application comes with privacy and security measure that are found in many online systems. The data will travel in an encrypted form (chipertext), upon arriving at the receiving end, the receiving will use PGP to decrypt the data back to plaintext.
PGP uses the Public/Private key encryption. Where the sender uses his public key to encrypt data, and the receiver uses his private key to decrypt the data.
The sender can use his private key to make digital signature. Thus giving the receiver ability to authenticate the source of the message and its authenticity.
User can use PGP to encrypt the sensitive data on his computer hard drive. Once its done the no one can have access to the data unless who possesses the private key.
Reference: Sybex CEH, Wikipedia
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