Microsoft has just unveiled a whole new category of device designed to showcase Windows 10. It's called the Surface Hub. It's the next evolution of the company's Perceptive Pixel project and features an 84-inch 4K display with support for multi-touch and pen input. The massive screen also includes dual cameras and a wide array of "advanced sensors," Microsoft said.
It's a Windows 10 device, but obviously strays far from your typical desktop or tablet experience. Microsoft has customized the Windows interface for such a monstrous display, offering quick access to Skype video calls, a whiteboard for drawing and annotation, and a shortcut for connecting to another nearby Windows 10 device. All that screen real estate allows for some unique things; you can hold video conferences while scribbling on the whiteboard, for instance. (Microsoft seems to be aiming Surface Hub at businesses and conference rooms.) "It will make your meetings productive and engaging," the company says.
The Verge
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