Weakness of cryptography
“A perfect system doesn't exist, it take patience,
skills, determination and resources to hack any system in the world”
The main cryptography challenge is bruteforce attack. This attack happens when user tries all possible combination on earth to guess the encryption key combination. This took a very long time to achieve, although this defends on the cryptosystem been targeted and the resources and skills been employed or applied.
Bruteforce is the most common type of attack that we watch in movies, if you do watch films that involve security like 24, Nikita or Chuks TV series, you will notice sometimes they try to access someones data using bruteforce attack. You will see numbers symbols been randomly runned on the screen, this random codes, alphabets and symbols are trying the get the keys by trying all possible combinations. One successful you can access the encrypted key public/private.
DES is highly vulnerable to bruteforce attack, while Tripple-DES has resistance power, that doesn't means it cant be broken! But it takes huge time and resources to make the attack successful.
Time and resources involve to hack 40-56bits encryption key
Budget 40bits key 56bits key
Regular User 1 week 40years
Small business 12days 556days
Corporation 21seconds 19days
Large multinational 0.005seconds 6minutes
Government 0.0002seconds 12seconds
Table from Sybex CEH
As you can see from the above table. Government always has the highest budget thus has the best chance to decrypt data. Regular user like you and I wil take a very long time due to the amount of resources and skills invested.
Bruteforce is not the only attack that hackers or intruders can retrieve keys with. Below are the list of possible attacks that can be carried on to successfully extract encrypted keys. Remember one can only have access to the data after getting keys.
• Chipertext only attack
• Known plaintext attack
• Chosen plaintext attack
• Chosen chipertext attack
• Traffic recording attack
Chipertext only attack: Here the attacker has limited knowledge on his target. He has the sample part of the chipertext without the plaintext/key. He want to get the plaintext so as to know the technical know how of the encryption. After getting the palintext together with the sample of the chipertext, the attacker will proceed with his attack. This is the least successful attack because the attacker has least knowledge about the system.
Known Plaintext attack: In this type of attack, the attacker possesses the plaintext and the chipertex but doesn't know the key. Here he will try to use the possessed information the get the key. This attack is similar to the bruteforce attack.
Chosen Plaintext attack: The intruder can successfully generate a chipertext based on a chosen plaintext. The attacker will try to add some information into the encryption and observe the output. The attacker might not know the encryption algorithm nor keys used.
Chosen chipertext attack: This is almost the same with the chosen plaintext attack. Here the attacker can successfully decrypt chosen chipertext to plaintext. He will then proceed to alter the decrypted data and observe the outcome. Again the attacker might not know the encryption algorithm nor the keys used.
Sniffing: The attacker here records the traffic when its up and later study it to extract information like keys, algorithm etc.
Man in the Middle: The attacker here becomes an intercept. It goes like this; the attacker will successfully intrude into a communication and alter the message before letting it reaches its destination. Literary the data that will reaches the destination is altered.
Social Engineering: This can be very effective in cracking encryption. social engineers are very sophisticated and can extract information from users if the users are not welled trained. We have already discuss this our introduction to ethical hacking under types of hacking.
Reference:Sybex CEH
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