As we have already discussed that passwords are strong and at the same time weak!
If user create password from his name, date of birth or any other combination that is related to him, cracking down his account doesn't need much technical know how. Meaning attacker who know you, can be lucky enough to access your sensitive information by only entering certain key combinations.
Creating strong and almost non hackable wait!!! is there any non hackable password! I was once told that any system can be hacked! It only took time, skills and resources! You are absolutely right! But at-least one has to really suffer before getting your data! Arm robbers do rob banks! Do you think a local or common thief can rob bank? The ans is absolute NO!
Strong passwords doesn't happen by chance! Below are the steps to create a very strong passwords!
Passwords should be at-least 8 characters
Its already becoming standard on the internet. Many websites doesn't allow less than 6 characters, while others allows only 8 characters upward. So length matters? The ans is YEAH! Take for example you are to guess my name and I told you is 6 letters long! It wont be easy to humans but to computer will be easy the notation will be 26^6= 308915776 combinations! Computers are very fast! They can do this within some seconds! Lets try 8 letters combination! You might think that the difference wont be that much? OK lets see 26^8=208827064576. you can see just addition of 2 characters the password changed from hundred of millions combinations to hundreds of billions. In the other hand from 9 characters to 12 characters. So you can now answer this simple question! Do lengths really matters in password strength?
Cocktail of letters, numbers and special characters
Many sites wont allow you to create password with only numbers or letters. You have to include special characters. Wait! What are special characters? They are any symbol that is not number or alphabet. Like !@#$%^&*() etc. The number of the available special characters are up to 59. This really help in password creation. If we are to choose between the alphanumeric characters, the available number of characters to choose from will be 36, but when we add the special characters, the characters will hit 95! wow! This one wont be easy at all to crack! If 8 length of password which contains alphabets alone 26^8=208827064576 combinations? Will there be any reasonable change wen we add numbers? Lets find out. 26+10 numbers= 36, 36^8=2821109907456. The amount of combinations rises to trillions! Wow!!! lets try the ultimate combinations! Numbers, alphabets and special characters 95^8=6634204312890625. wow it jumped from 13 digits to 16 digits long! You can see it can never be easy to crack such password! But mind you its very possible! But not easily!
Do not use anything related to you!
Nickname, pet names, family names, best friend, date of birth, your best car etc. don't use them! Firstly because they will be represented mostly using alphabets alone and sometimes with some numbers. Secondly they will be easily guessed by someone who knows you.
By now you can choose the best way to create password your self. Yeah! The best way is to use the combination of alphanumeric and special characters and should be at-least 8 characters length.
Humans are weak this strong passwords will easily be forgotten. Its not a good practice to use same passwords and usernames on different account. Why? When you use same passwords and username on different account, if one account is compromised it affect the other accounts respectively. There is a solution to this problem! Thanks a lot to software developers......
… be continued
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